What are your David and Goliath moments? God LOVES to show up and show out in our situations, when we invite Him into them. The Bible says we should acknowledge God in all of thy ways and He will direct our path. The times He shows up in our lies we have instant experience with Him. We should recall these experiences constantly. Why? Because stuff is always happening in our lives.
At the beginning of 2022 I was battling with a huge financial institution that was trying to steal my money. God showed it to me. Then he showed me how to get it back. It was a long arduous process, but He led me through it VICTORIOUSLY! So when another company tried to bully and intimidate me here at the beginning of 2023, I knew that God had my back when I IMMEDIATELY took it to Him. Once again He lead me through the ordeal VICTORIOUSLY!
My experience with God gives me a comfort level of knowing when stuff happens, I can cast my cares on Him. Why? Because the Bible says He cares for me so and through my experiences, He has taken care of it. I have found the key to all of this is to continue to walk in the spirit. Continue to reflect Jesus in your life to the point no one knows you are battling a trial. In actuality, they should not because God is doing the fighting not you. He will tell you somethings to do. We do them and take our hands off of it. He may give us more things to do. This is the importance of us LISTENING to Him. I say God speaks to us all the time. It is up to us if we are paying attention.
Let God lead you in your David and Goliath moments. Love & Blessings!