Whose On The Throne Of Your Life, The Old Or New Man?

The Bible talks about the old man and the new man (Ephesians 4:23-24). Every day we must maintain the new man in our lives. Otherwise, the old man will climb right back on the throne of our lives and demand its way. 

In our Christian walk we never reach a point of arrival. We sometimes think once I reach a certain point in my life or in my faith I will not have to worry about certain things. The reality is because we are flesh with a mind, emotions, and will, we will always have the decisions of life of who is going to rule us, the old man or the new man. 

Thank God for Jesus because He helps us in EVERYTHING! That is not to say everything will be easy. However, we have the confidence and reassurance to know the Holy Spirit will lead us into ALL TRUTH in life. It is God centered, spirit controlled and obeys God’s commands. It may not always feel good, cater to our desires, and puts us first; invariably, it will always be the best for us at the time that God has for us.  

When we keep our eyes on God, He will get us where we need to be. There will be twists and turns along the way, which makes it somewhat adventurous.  Ultimately, it will be God’s BEST for our lives. Isn’t that something that you want? Love & Blessings!