Who is magnifying you… God or yourself?

So God saved Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem and Judah from King Sennacherib and his psychological warfare against them. This elevated Hezekiah even more with his people and surrounding kingdoms and nations.

Presents and gifts were brought to our God and Hezekiah, II Chronicles 32:23. Unfortunately, because we are in this fleshly body, we still have to be on guard against it. Hezekiah became prideful for a minute and it drew the wrath of God.

God does not hide what makes Him mad. He tells us over and over and over again HE HATES PRIDE! So we have to be all so careful we are not operating out of pride because it will draw the wrath of our God.

Hezekiah quickly corrected himself and humbled himself, once again, before the Lord. The lesson is, WE NEED GOD! Don’t forget it. We need God for everything in our lives. The Bible says once Hezekiah humbled himself it kept the wrath of the Lord away from him and the people.

Hezekiah had much riches, treasures of all kinds. Storehouses were increased with all manner of beasts, herds, and flocks. His cities increased, too. II Chronicles 32:29 says “… God have given him substance very much.”   

This was all God’s doing. Hezekiah knew where his blessings, abundance, favor, and substance was coming from. He dare not trample over the goodness of the Lord. Hezekiah prospers in all his works (v. 30).

We see here an example of what it looks like when God magnifies you. If you are struggling for success could it be it is because you are trying to magnify yourself and not God? Love & Blessings!