Vulnerability With Christ

Jesus has called us to be vulnerable yet wise. Jesus said I am sending you out like sheep among wolves (Matthew 10:16). This tells us Jesus knew the world was wild and crazy and filled with many temptations. Nevertheless, as it was in Biblical times, so it is today. There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Unequivocally, here lies the foundation of our faith.

This vulnerability is uncomfortable at times. I know when I go out and interact in the world standing up for Jesus, sometimes the world looks at me in wonderment. That’s because in the supernatural there is WONDERMENT and MYSTERY! It is where our belief lies. Believing that God can do ALL things (Luke 1:37, Philippians 4:13) ushers you into the supernatural. In the natural we want to try and figure everything out. However, that is not faith. Faith is believing God can do anything and leaving the rest up to Him to work it out how He deems fit.

Equally important, sometimes vulnerability with Christ is fun and adventurous. Undoubtedly, this is where I enjoy my relationship with God the most. Already believing He can do ANYTHING; it causes me to live with EXPECTANCY each day. I look for Him in the smallest and largest things in life. This vulnerability is part of the abundant, victorious life God has promised us. Embrace and enjoy it right now! Love & Blessings!