Trusting God In The Process

The image above says a mouthful! Our walk with God is a life long journey with many twists and turns and things we may not understand. The key is to TRUST God! No matter what it looks like, what it feels like, whether we are comfortable or uncomfortable, we are to TRUST God. To have a faith like Stephen where we see him trusting God as he is being stoned to death because of his faith. Or having the faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who stood boldly before King Nebuchadnezzar and refused to bow before him. As a consequence, they were thrown into the fiery furnace. These are wonderful examples of God’s supernatural strength He gives us in the twists and turns of our journey. Sometimes we get stones thrown at us and thrown into the fiery furnace of life designed to destroy our faith. However, no matter what happens in life, TRUST that God does know what He is doing in our lives. We don’t have to try and figure everything out… That is one of Satan’s traps. We just TRUST God in the process and He will lead and guide us where He wants us to be! Love & Blessings!