Titus 3: 4-7

When I read Titus 3:4-7, it causes me to reflect on how much God loves US. When you think of the depth of His love, many of us were just a thought in God’s mind. God tells us before we were conceived in our mother’s womb He knew Us! (Jeremiah 1:5) Without a doubt, we cannot fathom the depths of the love God has for US!

God’s mercy runs deep toward Us! Titus describes the Holy Spirit renewing and washing us of a rebirth. Marvelously, we become a new creation! (2 Corinthians 5:17) We are generously covered in the Holy Spirit. There is nothing we can do apart from the power of the Holy Spirt, through Christ (John 15:5).

Christ justifies US before God. It is through God’s grace through Jesus Christ we are now heirs to eternal life. It is through God’s kindness and love toward US we have the abundant, victorious life, right now on the Earth… Enjoy! Love & Blessings!