The Wrath of God… The Love of God

In Jeremiah Chapter 32: 30 – 36 illustrates what evil the children of Israel brought on themselves. God’s anger and fury has been provoked time and time again. Finally, the soft landing is how God once again proclaims them as His people and He will be their God (Jeremiah 32:37-38).

Two take aways from these scriptures. Number one, sometimes the evil that is in our lives could be from our own doing as we see here in Jeremiah and throughout the Bible. When we are disobedient to God, ultimately we hurt ourselves. It is why God hates sin, because it destroys the people He loves. Secondly, our God loves us so much and with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3), why can’t we love him back the same from our hearts?

That is not to say we will be perfect. But when God examines our hearts He should see a deep abiding love we have for Him not some shallow, wishy washy, serve God with my lips and my heart is far from Him kind of love. Believe me, God knows the difference. Love & Blessing!