The Powerful and Precious Trinity

The Trinity is a mystery. God in three persons as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So we know Jesus, the Son, was God. On the Earth, in Jesus’ humanity goes through many trials and tribulations. Ultimately, he is murdered by religious leaders who did not get him; they did not understand him. However, Jesus knows it is in God’s plan that he must die to save the world from our sins.

In Jesus’ humanity He does not want to do it. He asks the Father God three times if this cup could pass; nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done. Folks, that’s enough to shout about! He serves as an example for us.

Jesus studied the scriptures. This happens as a boy and in His hidden years before He starts His ministry. Ultimately, He is preparing himself for His ending task. Once Jesus starts His ministry He will often quote scripture from the Old Testament. He skillfully uses it against Satan when he attacks Him in the wilderness, which by the way, the Holy Spirit leads Him into.