The Lord Will Give Rest!

We have many battles to fight on this Christian journey we are on. However, the key is to make sure we are fighting the battles God wants us to fight and not the distracting battles Satan puts before us. He does this to keep us off track and away from our destiny.

Sometimes we get tired of the battles that God allows and sometimes sends in our lives. I remember a situation I had to spring up in my life. On the outside everything looked perfect! But the Holy Spirit let me know in advance before I became immersed in the situation I was going to have a season of torment. Needless to say, the flesh side of me did not want that. I wanted to run!

So, I tried to find a way of escape and get out of the situation. Unfortunately, certain things had happened that locked me into the situation and the only way I was going to get out of it was to act like a mad woman. I knew that was not what God wanted me to do. Obediently, I had to yield to the Holy Spirit and rely on Him to get me through it and ultimately out of the situation. Although the torment came, God gave me peace and rest in my soul.

In II Chronicles 14:2 we see another descendant from David, Asa. During his reign there was quiet in the land for ten years. He stripped the land of the strange gods and commanded the people to seek God and follow his commands. The Bible further goes on to say he had no wars because the Lord gave him rest (v. 6). The Lord will do the same for us, too. Prior to this the people had encountered many wars and battles. Most of this was because of their doing. Graciously, the Lord sent rest when he saw they were trying to follow Him. Be faithful before the Lord and in due season He will send you rest. Love & Blessings!