The Lord Shall Roar From On High!

Jeremiah 25:30 God tells Jeremiah to tell the people “… The Lord shall roar from on high…” Certainly, that sounds mighty fierce to me. What is this about? Consequently, this is the continuation of the evil God was sending to Jerusalem and Judah. Why? Because earlier we discussed how God was once again angry with them for being stiff neck or hard headed. Regrettably, they are worshipping idol God’s once again.

We, who profess to honor and love God and His son, Jesus, have been shown the way through God’s word, the Bible. It is absolutely fascinating; yet, pathetic, how these people kept turning their backs on both God and Jesus. We have heard the saying God does not send people to hell. It is TRUE. It is truly a choice you make for yourself. Today, everybody seems to want to stand on their truth or MY TRUTH. Well, in Christ there is only one truth and it is the TRUTH OF GOD.  This is a heart issue and that is what God searches, THE HEART. Satan wants us to think about MY TRUTH and not about GOD”S TRUTH.

I believe there has to be a balance in our teachings of God’s word. I have heard many church leaders’ teachings on the love and acceptance of God and His son, Jesus Christ. So, no God does not want to condemn us, Satan does. I thank God for His love and long suffering with us. Undoubtedly, it is clearly illustrated in the Bible when you read how God toiled with Israel. He is still doing that with all of us today.

Let us not forgot, God will not be mocked. I feel a need to ring the bell about COVID because I do not hear our religious leaders ringing the bell and ringing it loud enough about COVID. God ROARED through COVID to the world. He was speaking individually, to groups, families, work places, governments, etc. Did you hear what God said to YOU? Love & Blessings!