The Gift of Repetitiveness!

The Bible is filled with repetition. I know this to be true with New Testament accounts of Jesus’ birth and miracles. It is retold in the Gospels by the disciples as they are share their firsthand accounts. Warnings and blessings are also repetitive, too throughout the Bible. However, another discovery I have made is the Old Testament stories are retold in different books of the Old Testament, too.

As I am being obedient to God and reading the whole Bible from cover to cover, I am currently reading Isaiah 36. Historically, this story is about the king of Assyria coming against King Hezekiah and the children of Israel. I am thinking to myself, this story is sounding very familiar. This isn’t the only time I am having this impression as I have been reading the Old Testament. However, this time I am deciding to dive deeper and investigate. So, I am starting flipping back the pages in my Bible. Immediately, God is taking me to where I read this same story in II King: 18. When I am looking at the top heading of my Bible, and perhaps yours to if you are reading King James Version, it reads in both locations, “Rab-shakeh’s blasphemy.”

Unfortunately, we have a tendency to forget things, experiences, and encounters. Brilliantly, it is another reason why God repeats things in the Bible! God is weeding out those things we no longer have to be held captive by.  Invariably, through His kindness and mercy to us He will send voices of repetitiveness through the Bible and through the people in our lives. Notoriously, Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy the life-giving messages God has for our lives. Thank you, God, for the gift of repetitiveness you have given us in our lives! Love & Blessings!