The Choice: God or Satan

The image above tells you what God will do for you. Moreover, it is through Jesus and the Holy Spirit we experience these things in life. Again, a mystery, but this is how it is done. Satan, on the other hand, will attack you on many levels that are also listed. Contrast the things we experience with Satan. There is a clear distinction of what we experience with God and Satan. Let’s examine a little closer.

God brings us light. Graciously, he sent his son Jesus, born to save the world! So, Jesus is the ultimate light! Furthermore, he is the beautiful example God sent us His Son on Earth. Invariably, we receive many things from what Jesus did for us along with the Holy Spirit, the comforter, who ministers to us today. For example, we have PEACE and CLAMNESS in the midst of our storms. We have REVELATION and ENLIGHTENMENT into difficult situations in our lives and how to solve them. These are just some of the things we have with Jesus.

Satan brings us darkness. He is a counterfeit, too. Sometimes he may try to appear as an angel of light. However, we know if what we see does not come in line with God’s word, it is a counterfeit. Satan will HARASS and PUSH us into things that are not of God. He loves to FRIGHTEN and CONFUSE us which produces unnecessary STRESS. Satan is DOMED and he constantly LIES to us about the TRUTHS of God. ETERNAL life with God is ours, but not his… His is eternal DAMNATION and FIRE.

So, we have a choice. The BEAUTY of this choice is God has a tailored made plan for each of our lives. It is ours to find the path and walk the journey. God’s love for us and what Jesus did for us on the cross should empower us to do better and be a HEART follower, not a fan of Jesus that we should be. Love & Blessings!