The Bible Shows Us Themes and Patterns of Life to Avoid and to Embrace

Solomon, Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, and Jehoshaphat and others started out strong and with a whole heart for God. God tremendously blessed them, but they faltered and failed. It is a reminder to us to be oh so careful to keep our eyes focused on God less we fail. We are still in this flesh and that is not to say we will not make mistakes, but I believe when our HEARTS wander from God we start to wonder, we start to falter, and we start to fail. It is a cautionary tale from many aspects.

This gives us a deeper understanding why God sacrificed His son, Jesus, for our sins. When you read what God commands, and it is so repetitive throughout the Bible with the different characters we read about, we definitely needed a Savior. These are the deeper things of God. Not the surface stuff and head knowledge of what we know.

God is getting at something deeper. II Chronicles 16:9 says God’s eyes run to and fro on the earth looking for a perfect heart towards him. So, Jesus was our sacrifice, but it is not a pass to live as we please. There lies the rub. This is where God will do the sorting. Man does not do the sorting God does. Man cannot condemn us, but God, through the Holy Spirit, convicts us.

The themes and patterns we see in the Bible are warning signs to us over and over and over again. If we ignore them, there are ultimately consequences. Some may be detrimental to our eternal soul. Conversely, those themes and patterns also showcase God’s tremendous blessings which ushers us into the abundant, victorious life God has promised us here on the Earth! Love & Blessings!