The Bible Our Great Teacher

God wastes nothing. When we see repetitive words, phrases, stories, in the Bible, it is God’s way of getting our attention. It is as if He is saying, “Pay attention,” or “warning,” or “take heed.” Because of our nature, we have to hear things more than once before it starts sinking into our souls and spirit.

In culture and how the world teaches things, they make us think we are dumb or not too smart if we do not get things the first time around. That is Satan attacking our self-esteem and who we are. God has given each of us a measure of gifts and talents. We all do not get the same, nor capacity or measure.

Fortunately, God has given each of us what we need individually to do what He destines us to do on the Earth while we are here. Additionally, it amplifies our purpose. Ultimately, we are here to magnify and glorify His name… Amen! Love & Blessings!