Taking On The Mind Of Christ

Easter is fast approaching. It is when our Lord and Savior laid down His life for us. Miraculously, three days later, just like He said, He rose from the grave with ALL power in His hands. Additionally, He set us free from a life of sin (Romans 6:18).

The Bible says we should take on the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). As a result, what is taking on the mind of Christ? It is thinking like Christ. We should be thinking on spiritual things and not earthly things. Philippians 4:8 says we should think on things that are true, honest, just, and pure, lovely, and good report, if it be of any virtue or praise, these are the things we should be thinking on. All else is rubbish and does not feed us spiritually.

Romans 12:2-3 tells us to renew our minds and do not conform to this world. I like to say we need to do this daily because we live in a fleshly body. It is prone to wonder from the things of God. It is good for us to know we should think like Christ because it keeps us on the right track of life. Love & Blessings!