Take A Deeper Look!

What’s it all about? Take a closer look at the image above. Look at all of the wonderful beautiful benefits and gifts we have as Christians! Emphatically, we have eternal life with our Father God and spared the fire and brimstone of the lake of fire with Satan.

We have the promises of God that will give abundant and victorious life right now on the Earth. Amazingly, that is the abundant blessings, big and small, we see and experience every day. Lovingly, God gives us His grace to get through some of the most difficult times with His peace that surpasses all understanding here on Earth. Hence, we have unspeakable joy that can not be explained. Thankfully, God’s mercies are ever new each and every day.

God has asked us to show compassion and love one to another. Indeed, that is usually shown by our forgiveness to others. Markedly, we are to live by the word of God which is our truth in life. Consistently, the word gives us courage and strength to walk in the ways Jesus, our wonderful Savior, who showed us the way here on the Earth.  Moreover, it is faith in what He has done for us that will save our souls. We believe in this act and we spread the gospel, the good news, of Jesus is Lord!

To show our love and appreciation for the freedom He has given us, we live and walk in the Spirt. We willingly yield our lives over to God for Him to use us for His glory. We praise and magnify His name each and every day through devotion, prayer and the sharing of our faith to others. This is the hope in our salvation we have in all that Jesus has done for us on the cross above… Amen. Love & Blessings!