Standing In The Face Of Death For Our God!

God has called us to do many unusual and uncomfortable things in life. It is the testing of our faith and it chisels out our character. It helps us to become more and more like Christ.

When unusual and uncomfortable situations and circumstances cross our paths what is the first thing we should do? We should be looking to our God asking for His strength to do the right thing. The more we do the right things in life the easier it becomes. That is not to say we will not struggle. As long as we are in the flesh there will be the struggle of doing the right thing. But hopefully they will become momentarily flashes of struggling and then we will step into being who God has called us to be.

When you think of the life of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego they were young men who were taken from their Jewish home into a foreign land of different customs and beliefs. Yet, in Daniel: 3 we see how they stood their ground and held on to their faith and belief in the face of death! May we have the faith to stand in the face of death like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Love & Blessings!