Spiritual Hard Times

God continues to speak to us as we seek Him. He speaks to us as we continue to serve Him. Daniel LOVED the Lord. He refused to stop praying three times a day after the king wrote a decree against it. After the king threw Daniel in the lion’s den, God spoke to Daniel assuring him he will deliver him because he continues to serve him. God’s word is His primary way of speaking to us. And yes, He has multiple ways of speaking, but as you start reading God’s word a miraculous thing starts to happen. So, he impresses upon your spirit certain things about Him, you, others, direction for your life… It is full with all kinds of messages for us, if we pay attention to what He is saying.

As God’s word sinks into our hearts and spirit, we start recalling things throughout the day of his word. It can be certain passages of scripture or it can be songs, or it can be something someone else shared with you with God’s influence on it. It is really a beautiful thing. I remember a heavy season in my life of what seemed nothing was going right. In truth, things were going right in all areas of my life except in one or two areas that I could not figure out why things transpired the way that they did. It occurred to me that sometimes God allows us to go through things so we can see the reality of life. This means although we may do things in the right spirit and heart, some things we will never experience unless we go through some hard times.

Hard times prepare us for the next level of our life. Depending on how we handle those hard times, God will promote us to the next level in our life. As I was exiting this heavy season in my life, God sent a song to my heart in the middle of the night, “The storm is passing over.” Then He sent me the above message about Daniel how he will deliver me just like he delivered Daniel out of this heavy season to the next level of my destination. Love & Blessings!