Speak To Me Lord

I contend God speaks to us every day. Certainly, it is up to us if we are paying attention. God was speaking to Samuel in Samuel 3. Undoubtedly, Samuel had a difficult time recognizing God’s voice. Without question, this happens to us, too. God speaks to us in so many ways throughout the day. Primarily, God’s main way to speak to us is through His word, the Bible. However, He speaks through us in other ways as well.

God calls us into an intimate relationship with Him. Most importantly, Jesus died to give us that intimacy with our Father God. Again, it is up to us how intimate we want to be with God. The beauty is the more we get to know God the more we want to be close to Him.

Imagine enjoying your relationship with God like you enjoy your relationship with your best friend on earth. This is to say, this is how our relationship can be with God. We can vent, laugh, and cry with Him. He can love on us with His presence in our spirit. In turn, we can love on Him by sing songs to Him and reading Psalms of praise to Him.  Sometimes, we can just sit back and be in each other’s presence in silence where we have a blessed assurance.

Exercise your listening ears in 2024. Turn up the volume in your spirit to hear Him. Have a servant heart and humbleness to welcome God’s voice.  I am confident God has much to say to YOU! Love & Blessings!