Something is WRONG!

We are starting the New Year with a BANG! Shockingly, we have had several mass shootings, school shootings, and Tyre Nichols has been murdered by the police. Unfortunately, none of these things are new, but in the first month of this New Year it has been ratcheted up! Something is WRONG!

I believe we all can agree that these heinous acts are EVIL. It is a spirit of evil that has caused these unmerciful acts. Furthermore, it is quite disturbing. On the surface we contend we need better laws, better policies, better supervision, etc. However, we need to go deeper. When we go deeper, we realize we have a SPIRITUAL problem in the world. This is nothing new. The Bible says there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

While JESUS walked the earth he talked of things in the SPIRIT world. Many, even the disciples, had a difficult time understanding what He was talking about. So much so, they beat him unrecognizable and then hung him on the cross. Basically, it was a political act against Him. The bigger picture it was God’s will to save man from their heinous sins. Consistently, in God’s eyes sin is sin is sin. Invariably, it is all heinous to Him. That is why He sent Jesus to die for those sins.

The answer to all of these heinous acts lies in Jesus Christ. It goes far beyond knowing Him and who He is. Having a genuine heart for Him is a game changer! It changes how we respond to Him and others. Our love for Him pushes us toward obedience. goes to loving Him and being obedient to Him. It causes us to crucify our flesh EVERY DAY so that God gets the glory out of our lives.

Sin will always be with us until Jesus returns. We know this from the Bible. Still, through it all, we can have the abundant, victorious life God has promised us on the earth. It is in the spirit world where there is the love, peace, joy, goodness, kindness, patience, self-control, faithfulness, and generosity God has offered us. It is God’s prescription to the abundant, victorious life He has promised us. Amen! Love and Blessings!