Some Things Are Simple

In reading the Old Testament I sometimes get the impression that God is begging and pleading with us to do the right thing. Consistently, He repeats himself over and over and over again, that He is God. Further, He reminds the children over and over and over again what He has done for them especially removing them out of bondage from the Egyptians. Yet, they continue turning their backs on God.

Ezekiel 20 is the story of Israel’s rebellion. Idol worshipers are described. Moreover, it talks about their abominations. Undoubtedly, it makes the case of why it appears the Lord is begging and trying to reason with the Israelites. Resolutely, in verse 19 God clearly states He is God, walk in my statues, keep my judgement and do them. Without question, that sounds simple, right?

Our love for God is a heart issue. If we find it difficult to walk in God’s statues, keep His judgement, and do them, and we say we love God, we have to ask ourselves why this is difficult for me to do. Truly, if someone has our heart, we want to do anything for them. Powerfully, God demonstrated this by giving us His son, Jesus.

It is clear God has a yearning love for us. Given his steadfast nature toward us of continuing to give us warning and warning, after warning and telling us of the abundant, victorious blessings that awaits us when we take heed, why would we not want that for ourselves? Furthermore, why are we not yearning for God as He yearns for us? Questionably, do we have a reckless abandonment for God? Honestly, do we believe He is who He says He is?

Jesus talks about us having child-like faith. Admittedly, we cannot do that on our own. In the natural/flesh hearing the words sound simple. Nevertheless, we complicate it because our heart for God is not quite there yet. Of course, Satan wants us to reason it out. Admittedly, sometimes what God has asked us to do does not make sense. But, some things are simple. After Jesus resurrected and came back from the dead the disciples had no problem doing what Jesus asked them to do. Clearly, it became simple for them. In like manner, will it become simple for you? Love & Blessings!