Solomon’s Prayer to God…God’s Acknowledgement

Solomon was faced with the task of building a temple for the Lord to house the ark of the covenant. This was magnificent in all its splendor. David, Solomon’s father, gave him the instructions on how it should be built. II Chronicles 3 – 4 describes the magnificence of the temple.

Chapter 5 tells us once it was completed and how Solomon brought everything into the temple. David, who is now dead, dedicated all the items before his death. Upon completing the temple there was a celebration of feasting, singing, and sacrificing. Everything Moses had handed down through the generations was intact as we read in verse 10 of this chapter. And the glory of the Lord was present (II Chronicles 5:14).   

Solomon begins a most eloquent prayer starting in II Chronicles: 6.  It is a prayer of blessing, thanksgiving, remembrance, acknowledgement, and supplication. Solomon prays for verification and for forgiveness of sins that may be committed by the people of Israel. Solomon goes on and on in this extended eloquent prayer ultimately asking God to dwell in the temple and bless the people who seek after Him in the temple. Finally, Solomon ends his prayer in asking God for the mercies He showed to his father David.

God acknowledges Solomon’s prayer in Chapter 7! Verse 12 says God came to Solomon by night and told him he heard his prayer. He reminds Solomon he could shut up the heavens where there is no rain (drought); He could command locusts to devour the land (famine), or send a pestilence (virus like COVID???) among the people. God goes on to say if the people who are called by his name would humble themselves, pray, and seek Him, turn from their wicked ways, then he will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. There is more… will continue with this in next week’s blog! Folks, this is good stuff! Love & Blessings!