Sennacherib Versus Hezekiah is Like a Modern Day Battle of Putin Versus Zelenskyy

King Hezekiah loved God. Yet, his father, Ahaz was an evil king during his reign. These men are descendants of King David, a man after God’s own heart. We see this theme throughout the Old Testament that just because you may have heirs, descendants, relatives, etc., who loved and served God does not mean everyone in the family believes and thinks the same way. The same is true even in families today which is a reminder each of us has to work out our own soul salvation.

Hezekiah reestablished Jerusalem and Judah back to God. He set the people back and a right path. During his father’s reign, they had strayed once again (II Chronicles 29, 6-10). However, we also see that God is so gracious and merciful. God was eager to take His people back when they humble themselves before Him (II Chronicles 30: 9).

As you read on in II Chronicles 32, King Sennacherib encamped around the fenced cities including Jerusalem and Judah to win them for himself (V.1). Does this sound familiar with what Putin wants to do with Ukrainian. As we read further, Hezekiah became strategic. He cut off the fountains and water supply in the land. He fortified all of the walls that were broken. Furthermore, he built them up to the towers and increased their production of making darts and shields in abundance. He then spoke to his people and reminded them to be strong and courageous and not be afraid of their multitudes.

Does this not sound so familiar to Putin, Russia’s president versus Zelenskyy, Ukraine’s president? Hezekiah went on to tell his people they fight with the arm of flesh we have the Lord God to help us and to fight our battles! Wow! What confidence did Hezekiah have in our God! We, too, should have the same confidence! If we are serving God with our HEART, we should have the same confidence. We do not have to figure out how God will fight our battles. We just have to have confidence and trust He will get us through ANY situation… Praise God! Love & Blessings!