Satan’s Lies, God’s Truth

When Satan tries to convince you your peace, contentment, joy, etc., you have from living your life to honor God is bad or wrong, tell him he is a liar and keep it moving in Jesus’ name! Many times this will come in the form of people because that is who Satan likes to use most often. We see this in Matthew 16:23 and Mark 8:33 when Jesus tells Peter get thee behind me Satan when Peter tries to correct Jesus about His mission upon the Earth. Now, I don’t recommend calling people “Satan”, however, I believe Jesus is teaching us many lessons in these passages. Number one, sometime people in your inner circle will sometimes not understand your mission. Number two, sometimes you have to distance yourself from these people. I call it, “Love them from a distance.” If you happen to live with the person this is happening, know that God will give you the grace to deal with the situation until he decides to move or change things.

Additionally, Satan tried to convince Jesus all he had to offer him was much better than what God had to offer. That is LOL funny, but a lot of times we do not see this in the natural.  In, Matthew 4:1-11, we see that the Holy Spirit leads Jesus into the wilderness to be tested. Remember, when we are being tested it is to build our character and to prove our faith before God. So, Satan literally tries to lure Jesus in with the sins and enticements of this world we live in consisting of power, influence, and attack his identity and ego. Satan does the same to us, too, right?

Finally, in the end Jesus told Satan man does not live by bread alone but by every word of God. Jesus continually quoted scripture to the devil! He used the word of God to put Satan in his place… What an example for us! When Satan tries to convince us, and he will, that our choices for God have been in vain or fruitless, recognize it is from Satan and then feed back to him the word of God. Folks, this is the importance of US knowing the word of God for ourselves. It is one of the weapons we have to fight Satan when he comes prancing around in our lives. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve, did not have scripture to defend themselves, but they did have God’s direct instructions to them to stay away from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:15) and today God tells us to stay away from the sins of this world.

God has sent us out as His modern-day disciples. Christians are modern day disciples or Christ followers.  As we go out and people do not receive what you are saying or doing, Jesus told the disciples to kick the dust off of your shoes and keep it moving (Matthew 10:14). In other words, we do not have to debate people about the word of God. Satan will use these people to disrespect you and try to lure you into conflict and strife with them. That is not our mission though. Our mission is to spread the word of God through the Fruit of the Spirit. Once you have said it and once you have done it, it is the Holy Spirit’s job to penetrate people’s hearts. Satan will try to discourage you when people do not receive what you have to say or do.  Remember, Satan is a liar! Do and say God’s word and let the Holy Spirit do the rest! Obey God and leave the consequences to Him. God will honor your love and obedience to Him. Love & Blessings!