Remember The Goodness Of The Lord: What Are Your Memorial Stones?

God is GOOD! He has been better to us than we have been to ourselves. He has shown Himself in our lives over and over and over again. Yet, if we do not remember those experiences, Satan is set to kill, steal and destroy them.

In the Old Testament, God required the Israelite to recall the many blessings He had bestowed upon them (Joshua 4:1-24). Why? Because God knows we are fragile. Satan will come and attack us through negativity. Satan will have us to dwell on our failures and faults. To pull us into depression and despair. Next thing we know we will forget ALL what God has done for us.

Paul says we have to stir up our faith (2 Timothy 1:6). That means we have to think on the goodness of the Lord. Further, we have to put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). Moreover, we offer sacrifices of praise and worship to our God (Hebrews 13:15). The Bible tells us we have to renew our minds daily (Romans 12:2). These are just some examples of how we stir up our faith.

My memorial stones are many. I love talking about how good God has been to me. I remember as a child crossing a busy street with heavy traffic going both ways. My friends and I tried crossing the street one by one. When it was my turn a car was about to hit me. I remember turning my body. I was facing the front of the car. Instinctively, I outstretched my hands touching the hood of the car to stop it. The car stopped! With my child’s mind I thanked God and continued to run to the other side of the street.

The Bible says God protects us from danger seen and unseen (Psalm 121:5-8, Psalm 91:3-16). My memorial stones go back as far as my childhood to today. It is beautiful when you can recall over and over again what God a has done for you. What are your memorial stones? Feel free to share. Love & Blessings!