Rejection is never pretty. No one likes it. In the book, Where Is God!? Blessed Are The Pure In Heart For They Shall See God, it describes how being a Christian is not always pretty and wrapped with a beautiful bow! Sometimes it is hurtful, painful, embarrassing, and humiliating. These are the exact same experiences and feelings Jesus encountered on the Earth. It is how He knows what we go through in life. When we experience the supernatural power of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as the Lord of our lives, we will in turn be able to identify and know what it is to suffer for Christ’s sake. This is deep because these are the deeper things of God. Our faith is more than a surface faith, but a faith of an intimate relationship with the Trinity. It is also the faith that God promises the abundant, victorious life, too! We should grow through the pain of rejection. There are many treasures to be gained… Look for them! Ask, “Lord, what do you want me to learn from this?!” Don’t waste the pain of rejection. Love & Blessings!