Psalm 71:8

Psalm 71:8 declares we should be praising and honoring God throughout the day. How do you do that? How do we praise and honor God throughout the day? There are several things we can do that will bring honor to God and praise Him.

One of the ways we can honor God is include Him in our conversations. Acknowledge God for ALL that He does for YOU, which is much. As write this post, I am waiting for my car to be inspected. The people here said you are in luck today because normally in the afternoons we are busy. I responded, “Well praise God! He is always looking out for ME!” They were able to get me in and out in no time.

Another way we can praise God and honor Him is sing songs of praise to Him throughout the day. Additionally, you can also do this by humming a tune, a song of praise, to our God. This is our way of loving on Him as He loves on us all the time.

In 2024, let God be first and foremost in words, thoughts, and deeds, throughout the day. Undoubtedly, it is a way to not only praise and honor Him throughout the day, but it keeps us in the right frame of mind of knowing where ALL of our help comes from. Amen! Love & Blessings!