
Where Is God Now Deer Rabbit & Squirrel Repellent is now available for purchase online! Go to to make your purchase! We have also lowered the price to $14 plus tax AND no local shipping costs at this time… I will still deliver to you! We have already had purchases online… It WORKS! Anything above the purchase amount is a tac deduction, too!

When I say God is a problem solver, He is, if we take our problems to Him. So, I did not know how to start an e-commerce shop online… I am not technology friendly, but I do what I have to do. Including, everything you see on my website. God led and guided me through the process of building a website and NOW inserting an e-commerce shop! The wonder of it all is God LOVES being involved in the details of our lives, if we let Him… It’s a BEAUTIFUL THING!

Thank you for your love and support.

Please share with whomever…

Love & Blessings!
