Preach At All Times, Use Words When Necessary

Christians are Christ-followers. Personally, I like to say we are modern-day disciples. What a privilege and honor to represent Christ on the Earth, right? In my book, Where Is God!? Blessed Are The Pure In Heart For They Shall See God, I talk about how we should reflect Christ on the Earth. Therefore, when people see us they should see the Christ in us!

What does looking like Christ on the Earth look like? Simply, we are the Light! The Holy Spirit lives within us helping to do the things Christ has asked us to do. Because of the Power of the Holy Spirit, we can do what Christ has asked. Needless to say, we can do NOTHING without Him (John 15:5).

This is the beauty of our Faith! We rely on Him to help us. So, we help those that are in need AND our enemy. Further, we show kindness and gentleness to others and ourselves. Even more, we do not repeat gossip. Without fail, we are peacemakers. Undoubtedly, we turn the other cheek. Our lives preach the Gospel more so than our words. This is the meaning behind St. Francis of Assisi’s declaration… Walk ye in it (Isaiah 30:21). Love & Blessings!