For those of you who love the whimsical feel of Christmas, enjoy these pictures from the White House. Recently, we took a tour of the White House to see ALL of the Christmas decorations. This year’s theme, “Magic, Wonder, and Joy”, encourages you to embrace your inner child. I tried to capture this in the pictures on the website, It is this week’s blog entry. Click on any picture on the website and it will open up the photo gallery for you to SEE up close!
If you are interested in joining me to tour the White House next Christmas, let me know and I will add your name to the list. Planning will begin soon! Thank you for your love and support in helping Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc. become a 501c3 nonprofit in 2023! God has great plans for the ministry in 2024 so stay tuned…
If you would like to make an end of the year tax deductible donation to the ministry, click the donate button on the website or you may send me your donation.
Have you ever been in a situation where you thought you were right? Then later you realize you were so wrong! I personally believe God allows those situations and experiences in our lives. I believe he uses it as a teaching tool on many levels.
This teaching tool God uses is an attention getter. It is an attention getter to remind us of how utterly dependent we are on God. Pride so easily creeps in our lives especially in situations like this. Two things will happen when we realize we were wrong in a situation. We either apologize or admit our mistake. Or, prideful, we sweep it under the rug and dismiss it.
For those of us who are thirsty for God, we want to get that pride out of our lives quickly so God can continue to use us. For those who want to dismiss it, God will sometimes, figuratively, drop a boulder on us to get our attention to remove the pride… Ouch! Love & Blessings!
Jesus is a miracle worker! We see in the New Testament how He healed many. One notable healing was the healing of the seven demons from Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9, Luke 8:1-3). These miraculous healings are available to us TODAY! Jesus died so He could fulfil the promise of the abundant victorious life God offers us (John 10, 1 Corinthians 17:7).
When Jesus died He left the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and comfort us. Wrapped up in the Holy Spirit is our healing TODAY! It is AMAZING the many ways God provides healing for us through Jesus; the Holy Spirit that is available to us TODAY!
Recently, I had someone to apologize to me from something in the past. As the person was talking to me, initially, I was not familiar with what was being said. However, the more that was shared, I remembered some friction, tension between the two of us, but nothing more. The Holy Spirit had HEALED that situation from my mind that I could not recall the details of all that had been involved in the situation… PRAISE GOD! Jesus is able to cast that hurt out of minds as to not allow it to kill, steal, destroy the abundant victorious life God promises us. Amen! Love & Blessings!
Ephesians 4:2-3 admonishes us to walk in the Spirit continually. Therefore, in this holiday season of hustle and bustle there will be plenty of opportunity to put this into practice. Consequently, coming off the heels of Thanksgiving, I had plenty of things that just did not go right!
Technology can be great when it is working properly. However, when it goes awry, we all know what a headache it can be. Here comes the test to put our Spiritual tools into action. This is how we treat ourselves and others. We have to be gentle and patient with ourselves and others showing love and humility. We demonstrate this with our attitudes and with what we say and how we say it. Usually, when we have problems with our technology if we cannot figure it out we have to talk to another human on the phone or in person who will try to help us, if we let them. Remember, they are precious to God as we are, too. This is just one of many examples of things not quite going our way.
I have learned to recognize these tests, disguised as frustrations and irritations. Immediately, I allow the Holy Spirit to help me display these Fruit that are sometimes difficult to do in our own strength. Many times I start talking to God and try to find some humor in the situation. It is a BEAUTIFUL experience when the Spirit of the LIVING GOD, which dwells within each of us, provides the help we need to get through any situation or circumstance, if we allow Him. Love & Blessings!
The Bible is our guidebook in life. After all, it invites us to live in a supernatural life God has provided for us through Jesus Christ. Jesus died so that we may have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). As a result, when Jesus walked the Earth, most of what He talked about was in the spiritual realm and the supernatural. Furthermore, He actually performed miracles, in the supernatural, on the Earth. This reminds us that, we too, can experience the supernatural on the Earth.
The Apostle Paul spoke on the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Amazingly, this is supernatural living of manifesting these Fruit, love, joy, peace, and the rest, in our lives. Basically, it is us submitting to the Holy Spirit, and allowing Him to do His work in our lives. It is truly a beautiful way to live. God’s spirit dwells within us (Romans 8: 8-11). We have the capacity to live a spirit filled life right here, right now, on the Earth, which is a BEAUTIFUL thing!
The disciples finally grasped this supernatural truth after Jesus’ resurrection. Paul realized it after his encounter with the Spirit on the road to Damascus (Acts 9). We have these supernatural experiences and encounters, too, with the Spirit in our lives. Embrace and enjoy the supernatural life Jesus died to give us. Love & Blessings!
King Darius signed off on a decree that did not allow anyone to pray. Deviously, Daniel’s colleagues’ manipulated the king into doing this. Throwing people into the lion’s den was the punishment for breaking the decree. Cleverly, Daniel’s opponents had been studying him. Daniel’s praying was a three times a day! Refusing the king’s decree meant doom for Daniel to the pleasure of his jealous colleagues.
Daniel was bold and courageous. These were some of the qualities the king admired about Daniel. Daniel hiding while praying was not an option for him. Devotedly, he continued honoring our God through praying three times a day. Regretfully, throwing Daniel into the lion’s den was something the king did not want to do. Without question, it was upsetting to him; yet, He knew he could not break his own decree. Clearly, this is a trapping from Satan for Daniel.
God’s plan is always bigger than the enemy. After all, losing their appetite after Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den was God’s way of rescuing Daniel. Further, believing Daniel’s God was the king’s hope for Daniel. Turning the tables on Daniel’s opponents was the king’s and God’s consequence of the evil they tried to befall on Daniel. Amazingly, the opponents and their families lost their lives to the same lions that were peaceful toward Daniel while in the lion’s den.
God sees our sacrifices unto Him. He sees and acknowledges our faithfulness. Honoring God sometimes means refusing to take on the world’s traditions and customs. It may put you in uncomfortable situations for a season. However, God will deliver you. Believing God gave Daniel a peace and calmness entering into the lions’ den as well. Supernaturally their appetite was taken away. Assuredly, most animals when they sense fear they come charging. Even so, we see Daniel and the lions lived peacefully amongst each other that night. This is what our God can do for us too. Giving us a peace and calmness when our enemies come against us is a hallmark from our God. Love & Blessings!
When we are committed to God we will not always fit in with the traditions, customs, and culture of the world. Daniel was living in a foreign land. He was determined to do things God’s way. Everyone knew that Daniel was different. I suspect he knew he was different, too. However, honoring God was paramount in Daniel’s life.
King Darius believed Daniel’s God given gifts and talents an asset to his kingdom. Undoubtedly, the king wanted Daniel and others who had theses extraordinary gifts and talents to be close in his court. Consequently, this led to special privileges and promotions for Daniel. Yet, with these privileges and promotions Daniel did not take on the traditions, customs, and culture of where he was. He knew who the Most High God was. Committing himself through what he ate, how he prayed and through his character was his way of continuing to honor and serve God.
Sometimes we stand out for doing things God’s way. Strangely enough, it may draw jealousy from others. This happened to Daniel. Staunchly, his refusal to do things the world’s way brought favor to him from God. This caused his colleagues to cook up a scheme to put Daniel in a fix. Satan will use others to cook up schemes against us, too, when we stand for God. Remember, God’s plan is always bigger than the enemy’s plan. Love & Blessings!
I believe the Bible to be in some instances literal and symbolic. Certainly, there lies the importance of reading and developing an intimate relationship with God and having him reveal some of His mysteries to us. Undoubtedly, we serve a God who can do the impossible for there is NOTHING that is too hard for our God. The three Hebrew boys, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were literally facing death if they did not bow to the king’s idols. Likewise, we have many idols placed before us in work, family, community, relationships; I could go on and on. Without fail, anything that is placing things before our God is an idol. When we are starting to do things that are contrary to what God is asking us to do, is becoming an idol.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were so committed to God. They believed wholeheartedly in our God. As a result, bowing was not an option for them. Knowing they were facing certain death, they did this disregarding their own lives. Similarly, people in our world today are confronting like dilemmas. Courageously, they were standing. On the other hand, bending and bowing to the world is becoming habit for some. They sometimes unknowingly are taking on its customs and culture.
Persecutions and ridicule are persisting today for Christ’s sake. Jesus was the ultimate example of this. He willingly faces death on the cross for not bowing and submitting to the world’s customs and culture. Regrettably, in some parts of the world people are risking their lives for the love of our God. Maybe not as dramatic, but losing job promotions, being uninvited to social events and being seen as weird are befalling to some. I can go on and on about these uncomfortable and awkward situations. It is the testing of our faith.
The three Hebrew boys are one of many examples the Bible gives us in standing against all odds. The Bible says our faith pleases the Lord. I have no doubt these men knew this. This was their BEST way in honoring God in this foreign land they were forced into; yet, not succumbing to the evilness of the land. We, too, will be called into such tough situations. What will you do to honor our God? Love & Blessing!
God has called us to do many unusual and uncomfortable things in life. It is the testing of our faith and it chisels out our character. It helps us to become more and more like Christ.
When unusual and uncomfortable situations and circumstances cross our paths what is the first thing we should do? We should be looking to our God asking for His strength to do the right thing. The more we do the right things in life the easier it becomes. That is not to say we will not struggle. As long as we are in the flesh there will be the struggle of doing the right thing. But hopefully they will become momentarily flashes of struggling and then we will step into being who God has called us to be.
When you think of the life of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego they were young men who were taken from their Jewish home into a foreign land of different customs and beliefs. Yet, in Daniel: 3 we see how they stood their ground and held on to their faith and belief in the face of death! May we have the faith to stand in the face of death like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Love & Blessings!
We have all seen those people who talk a good game. Usually, they are pumping themselves up in front of other people. They talk about all they are doing for others. Some of them practice the fake it until you make it way of living all the while not acknowledging our God.
I know God set me on this journey to know more about Him. The many things that have been revealed to me has been jaw dropping, amazing, thought provoking, and humbling. It has also allowed me to see the repetitiveness of things that are happening.
Sometimes we approach God in what is happening in our day is so different in what was going on in ancient and biblical times. That is a lie from Satan. He wants us to think that God does not understand how we feel and what we are going through when in fact He does… HE IS GOD!
Ezekiel 33:31 describes the people of that day. The latter part of this verse sounded so familiar as I have read it before in Isaiah 29:13, and in the New Testament when Jesus spoke similar words, “…for with their mouth they show much love, but their heart is far from me.” (Matthew 15:7-9).
God is the same God past, present, and future. There is nothing new to Him and NOTHING catches Him off guard. So, in Ezekiel’s day the people are playing the same game of serving God with the lips but their hearts are far from Him. This is our God who is seeing this and making this observation, even today. God searches the HEART not the MOUTH. Love & Blessings!