Opioid Addiction

Opioid addiction is insidious. Opioid overdose has taken countless lives of Virginians, people in our country and across the world. Opioids are a class of drugs including heroin, synthetic, and prescription pain medication including codeine, oxycodone, fentanyl, to name a few. In part, Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc. mission and community outreach is working with populations such as those re-entering society after being in jail/prison, homelessness, and those who are struggling in other areas of life, in general. Because of these concerns and needs, I became a Trainer for Lay Rescuers.

April 15, at 10 a.m., I will be having a training at my home to provide information about the understanding of opioids, how opioid overdoses happen, risk factors for opioid overdoses, and how to respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of Naloxone. We will train on the use of the Narcan nasal spray. The training is 1 -1.5 hours. Please email your name, address and phone number, if you are interested in this training. Seats are limited.

If this date is not good for you and you are interested in this training, send me your name and let me know as I will be conducting future trainings. Additionally, if you would like me to come to your group or organization to conduct this free training, please schedule with me for a date.

These events are extending the hands, mouth, and feet of Jesus on the Earth!

Please share with whomever…

Thank you for your love and support.

Love & Blessings!


Taking On The Mind Of Christ

Easter is fast approaching. It is when our Lord and Savior laid down His life for us. Miraculously, three days later, just like He said, He rose from the grave with ALL power in His hands. Additionally, He set us free from a life of sin (Romans 6:18).

The Bible says we should take on the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). As a result, what is taking on the mind of Christ? It is thinking like Christ. We should be thinking on spiritual things and not earthly things. Philippians 4:8 says we should think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and good report, if it be of any virtue or praise, these are the things we should be thinking on. All else is rubbish and does not feed us spiritually.

Romans 12:2-3 tells us to renew our minds and do not conform to this world. I like to say we need to do this daily because we live in a fleshly body. It is prone to wonder from the things of God. It is good for us to know we should think like Christ because it keeps us on the right track of life. Love & Blessings!

It’s Here!

Where is God Now Deer, Rabbit & Squirrel Repellent is here! This is MARVELOUS! This is a testament on how God will take a dream or creation and bring it into existence… to life! Certainly, I am thrilled and I am sure you will be thrilled, too, especially if you are having problems with deer, rabbits, and squirrels.

This is also a testament to how God is our problem solver. He asked me to start a ministry with no money and I was having problems with these critters in my yard. Unflinchingly, I took both problems to Him and He solved them for me. I tell people all the time God is not a respecter of persons. If He did it for the people in the Bible and He did it for me, He will do it for YOU! HE IS THE SAME GOD!

If you would like a bottle of this fabulous repellent it is $15 a bottle. All profits go back into the ministry. Anything above $15 is a tax deduction, a charitable donation! The QR code on the label is to be scanned to leave a review of the product which takes you directly to the review page at www.whereisgodnow.org. The back label has the story of how the repellent came into existence. Attached is an order form for you and your family and friends. Or, simply send me an email with your order.

Thank you for your love and support.

Please share with whomever…

Love & Blessings!



Work is good for us. Undoubtedly, it gives us a sense of meaning and purpose. It gives us a sense of accomplishment. Working provides for our needs and wants. We need WORK!

Realistically, some work is hard. Some work is easy. Work can also be fun, too! However, our biggest takeaway about work is, we do it as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23-24).

Working unto the Lord puts everything in perspective. Since we are ambassadors of Jesus, representing Him on the Earth, we should be reflecting Christ even in our work. God is our BOSS. So, no matter what is happening, good, bad, or indifferent in our work and work spaces, we do our WORK to God! Love & Blessings!

Titus 3: 4-7

When I read Titus 3:4-7, it causes me to reflect on how much God loves US. When you think of the depth of His love, many of us were just a thought in God’s mind. God tells us before we were conceived in our mother’s womb He knew Us! (Jeremiah 1:5) Without a doubt, we cannot fathom the depths of the love God has for US!

God’s mercy runs deep toward Us! Titus describes the Holy Spirit renewing and washing us of a rebirth. Marvelously, we become a new creation! (2 Corinthians 5:17) We are generously covered in the Holy Spirit. There is nothing we can do apart from the power of the Holy Spirt, through Christ (John 15:5).

Christ justifies US before God. It is through God’s grace through Jesus Christ we are now heirs to eternal life. It is through God’s kindness and love toward US we have the abundant, victorious life, right now on the Earth… Enjoy! Love & Blessings!

Scholarships Available!

The Hampton Roads Community Foundation scholarship applications are open! One particular scholarship I would like to call your attention to is the Reverend Doctor Joyce G. Moss Theologian Scholarship. See the information about the scholarship below with the links…

  • Dr. Gwendolyn Moss started a scholarship in 2014 in memory of her mother Rev. Dr. Joyce G. Moss that is for students at Regent University School of Divinity.


Reverend Doctor Joyce G. Moss Theologian Scholarship. For students attending Regent University School of Divinity with the intent of pursuing a full-time career in Christian ministry. Preference will be given to full-time students who have at least a 3.0 grade point average. Applicants may be from outside the Hampton Roads area. April 1 deadline.


You may click this link to read the story behind the scholarship:  https://whereisgodnow.org/scholarship/

My mother was a Kingdom Builder, one who promotes God’s Kingdom on the Earth. She was a beautiful example to me! If you know of anyone who is interested in attending Regent University’s School of Divinity please let them know about this wonderful scholarship. Together with Hampton Roads Community Foundation, we have helped fund the education of students who wanted to become youth pastors, lay and military chaplaincy, and other kingdom building vocations.

Hampton Roads Community Foundation awarded over $1.6 million scholarships to 443 students attending more than 80 colleges and universities during the 2023-24 school year. The deadline to apply for most scholarships is March 1. Please tell others about these wonderful opportunities to help fund their education.

We are all God’s Kingdom Builders when we become Jesus’ hands, mouth, and feet on the Earth!

Please share with whomever…

Thank you for your love and support!

Love & Blessings!


Been With Jesus?

Acts 4:13 talks about the courage and boldness Peter and John had after they spent time with Jesus. In the same way, do you have a similar experience after you have spent time with Jesus? Jesus is infectious! We should strive to be like him. As a result, we should shine our lights bright so that men may see.

Jesus said in Mathews 5:16 that our light should shine. How do we shine our light? By allowing the Spirit to move us to do good works to glorify our Father in heaven. It is our main purpose on the Earth to glorify God. Further, this is what pleases the Father.

So, we should have hearts that want to please the Father. The Lord will anoint us to do His will when we open ourselves to Him. The anointing will give us the ease and desire to do the Father’s work on the Earth. This is what Jesus did while He walked the Earth. We should do the same. Love & Blessings!

Always Do Good!

Pay back should not be in the vocabulary of a Christian. God calls us to a higher calling. When someone does us wrong, in the flesh, we want to start scheming for the day or moment we can strike back.  This is how Satan pulls us into his snares.

Recognizing God will fight our battles, even when we are wronged, is living in a place of peace. It is a peace that allows us to let offenses go and drop them. It is a peace that allows you to sleep at night knowing God will handle it in His own way. Any other way, will end up destroying us little by little robbing us of our peace.

We as Christians should repay evil with good. The Holy Spirit gives us the supernatural power to do this. It is the amazing power of allowing Jesus to do in us that which we cannot do on our own. We humble ourselves and always do good to all people, whether they deserve it or not. Love & Blessings!

Our Downfalls

The secret to our success in life is keeping our eyes on God. Although success can look different for each of us, God hold the secret to our success. We see this theme over and over again in the Bible. Once we take our eyes off God, it is a matter of time it leads to our downfalls.

King Uzziah loved the Lord. When he took his eyes off God it caused his destruction. He puffed himself up in pride. He forgot about God and thought it was all about him. It is definitely a cautionary tell for all of us.

God hates pride. This is because He know it destroys us in the long run. It is why He warns us over and over and over again to stay away from pride. Even a prideful or proud look is something God shuns (Proverbs 21:2). Undoubtedly, it gives Satan an opportunity to wreak havoc in our lives… Keep your eyes on God. Love & Blessings!

Psalm 71:8

My Mouth is Filled with Your Praise | SeekGrowLove.com

Psalm 71:8 declares we should be praising and honoring God throughout the day. How do you do that? How do we praise and honor God throughout the day? There are several things we can do that will bring honor to God and praise Him.

One of the ways we can honor God is include Him in our conversations. Acknowledge God for ALL that He does for YOU, which is much. As I write this post, I am waiting for my car to be inspected. The people here said you are in luck today because normally in the afternoons we are busy. I responded, “Well praise God! He is always looking out for ME!” They were able to get me in and out in no time.

Another way we can praise God and honor Him is sing songs of praise to Him throughout the day. Additionally, you can also do this by humming a tune, a song of praise, to our God. This is our way of loving on Him as He loves on us all the time.

In 2024, let God be first and foremost in words, thoughts, and deeds, throughout the day. Undoubtedly. it is a way to not only praise and honor Him throughout the day, but it keeps us in the right frame of mind of knowing where ALL of our help comes from. Amen! Love & Blessings!