Is There Anything Too Hard For God?: Is Age And Aging A Problem For God?

Well, we are in the throes of another U.S. Presidential election. As a matter of fact, it is fast approaching! The topics of age and aging are swirling all around us. I believe it has landed with questions being raised about the age of the candidates. One in particular, about current U.S. President Biden, is he too old to run for another term as president?

In a recent interview, Biden made the statement to the effect, if God Almighty were to ask him to step aside to run for president he would. That prompted me to look into who has God used in the Bible that had an “age” problem.

The names are quite impressive of who God used age 80 and up. Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90 when they had Isaac. Moses was 80 and his brother, Aaron, was 83 when they spoke to Pharaoh. Zacharias and Elizabeth were “advanced in years” when they had John the Baptist. Some scholars suggest Zacharias could have been in his 80s or 90s. Although we do not know for sure about Zacharias, these examples clearly demonstrate God can use ANYBODY at any AGE. Pooh-Pooh to those who believe otherwise, including today during this day and time.

What we know is the two candidates for US. President, Biden and Trump, will both be in their 80s at some point while serving in office. Age and aging are not a problem for God. We are all aging. Yes, we change, our bodies change as we get older, but that is not to say God cannot use us MIGHTILY if we are available for Him to use. I believe this should be the biggest takeaway from this current dialogue about age and aging… Amen. Love & Blessings!

Preach At All Times, Speak When Necessary

Christians are Christ-followers. Personally, I like to say we are modern-day disciples. What a privilege and honor to represent Christ on the Earth, right? In my book, Where Is God!? Blessed Are The Pure In Heart For They Shall See God, I talk about how we should reflect Christ on the Earth. Therefore, when people see us they should see the Christ in us!

What does looking like Christ on the Earth look like? Simply, we are the Light! The Holy Spirit lives within us helping to do the things Christ has asked us to do. Because of the Power of the Holy Spirit, we can do what Christ has asked. Needless to say, we can do NOTHING without Him (John 15:5).

This is the beauty of our Faith! We rely on Him to help us. So, we help those that are in need AND our enemy. Further, we show kindness and gentleness to others and ourselves. Even more, we do not repeat gossip. Without fail, we are peacemakers. Undoubtedly, we turn the other cheek. Our lives preach the Gospel more so than our words. This is the meaning behind St. Francis of Assisi’s declaration… Walk ye in it (Isaiah 30:21). Love & Blessings!

Galatians 1:10

Who are you trying to please in your life? Are you chasing after the approval of this world? Are you chasing after the riches of this world? Are you chasing after the nods you receive after you have impressed people?

Galatians 1:10 challenges us. Without fail, we can get so caught in the things of this world so fast. I call them the distractions of Satan. Glaringly, the challenge in this scripture plainly tells us we cannot serve God and man at the same time. Needless to say, we are either a servant of Christ or we are not. Paul, the author of this book, cuts no corners here, right? He clearly draws a line in the sand.

I recently heard someone make the distinction between surrendering to God and sacrificing to God. Sacrificing is when you are choosing to give certain things in your life over to God. Surrendering is when you have turned your whole life over to the Master. It is what Galatians 1:10 challenges us to do. Love & Blessings!

God Loves Dads, Too!

Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc., is honoring our Dads! Sometimes Dads are our superheros. They swoop in and save the day. They love to fix things. Whatever it takes to fix it, they will do. They will hold your hand, wipe your eyes, lend their ear, give advice, and bring you flowers. If it needs nails or duck tape, they will use that, too!

Dads are protectors. It is instinctive. God made them that way. It is one reason He said they are the head of the household (Ephesians 5:23). Moreover, they are fighters, warriors, soldiers, and church parking attendants! Tirelessly, they work two, three, four jobs to make ends meet. They are ever vigilant keeping their eyes on things to keep them running smoothly.

Dads are also tenderhearted. They have been known to give the best tea parties ever! They also build the strongest forts for theirs and other children, too. Undoubtedly, they give the best bear hugs and can sit you on their shoulders so high that you can see! Further, they take over the kitchen and grill to give us scrumptious yummy meals.

When men pray, they humbly submit themselves to God. They realize ALL of their strength comes from Him. They want to be the man God wants him to be. As like women, you do not have to have birth or fathered a child to be a Dad. Everything I mentioned above and more, pouring into the life of another human being makes you a Dad. Needless to say, it is when Dads keep their eyes on God he will reflect to his family all what God has made him to be. Without question, this makes his family and God SMILE, too. Love & Blessings!

Whose Crawling On The Throne of Your Life, The Old Or New Man?

The Bible talks about the old man and the new man (Ephesians 4:23-24). Every day we must maintain the new man in our lives. Otherwise, the old man will climb right back on the throne of our lives and demand its way. 

In our Christian walk we never reach a point of arrival. We sometimes think once I reach a certain point in my life or in my faith I will not have to worry about certain things. The reality is because we are flesh with a mind, emotions, and will, we will always have the decisions of life of who is going to rule us, the old man or the new man. 

Thank God for Jesus because He helps us in EVERYTHING! That is not to say everything will be easy. However, we have the confidence and reassurance to know the Holy Spirit will lead us into ALL TRUTH in life. It is God centered, spirit controlled and obeys God’s commands. It may not always feel good, cater to our desires, and puts us first; invariably, it will always be the best for us at the time that God has for us.  

When we keep our eyes on God, He will get us where we need to be. There will be twists and turns along the way, which makes it somewhat adventurous.  Ultimately, it will be God’s BEST for our lives. Isn’t that something that you want? Love & Blessings!  

Here I Am!

Where Is God!? Blessed Are The Pure In Heart For They Shall See God is the title of my book. What a question, right? When God gave me the title of this book, He actually answered the question with the subtitle He gave me. He said, Gwen, when people’s hearts are pure, they will be able to see me in ALL things in life, the good, the bad and the ugly.  

God has promised to work all things for our good to those who believe and are called by Him (Romans 8:28). Invariably, God is in every and all things. Revelation 3:20 declares God is with us if we open our hearts and minds to Him. Emphatically, Satan, the deceiver, does not want us to know this truth.  

God is not hiding from us. Positively, He longs to have an intimate relationship with each of us. In essence He is saying, “Here I am!” Easily, it is up to us if we embrace this precious relationship He offers us. A life filled of the Fruit of the Spirit and the abundant, victorious, life Jesus died to provide for us. It is yours for the taking. Love & Blessings!

Set Your Mind!

What are you thinking about? In growing up in the church you hear so many Bible versus. You wonder how am I suppose to do that. As we grow in Christ, He starts to transform our lives to be more like Him you receive radical revelations!

For we know we can do NOTHING without Christ. In Paul speaking to the people of Colosse, he encouraged them to set their minds on heavenly things not on earthly things. When we live and walk in the Spirit, it allows to set our minds on spiritual things as we are navigating life. It is a beautiful thing!

So when life happens, as it does, you are able to use your spiritual tools. Through the Holy Spirit, He is leading and guiding us through life! Even when Satan rears his head, we are able to navigate things and allow the Spirit to work and help us through victoriously. Folks, that is God working in our lives which is so humbling! Love & Blessings!

Encounters With God

Encounters with God can be fun. Moreover, it can also be precious. Daily, I am always looking for God in my life. These moments that we get with God Satan is quick to steal, kill, and destroy.

Recently, it felt like I had a ton of things I needed to do. One of the things I wanted to do was to sweep up some debris in front of my house from a storm. Constantly, it was on my list of things to do for the day. However, it kept being pushed to the next day. Then, on the day I was determined to get it done, the city street sweeper came by and swept it away. Further, I got excited and thanked God!

Another recent encounter was in a parking garage on a college campus. We all know how busy and crowded college campuses are. So, when I entered into the parking garage, I said a quick prayer that God would show me favor with a parking space. Two cars had the right of way on the opposite side of me making a right turn. I needed to make a left turn and followed behind them.

Now, in the natural you would think, they would see and get the closest and convenient parking space close to the garage exit. Ironically, I saw them speeding past the vacant parking space close to the garage exit. As a result, I was so humbled to get that parking space as I did not want to park on the other levels of the garage.

These God encounters are many for me. I intentionally look for God in my life. God tells us we should live with expectation! (1 Peter 1-5) Therefore, it should be an expectation and hope to see God in our lives daily through Christ Jesus. This is the intimacy we gain having a personal relationship with our God. Love & Blessings!

God Bless Moms!

God Bless Our Moms! Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc., would like to take this time to honor ALL moms. Moms come in all shapes and sizes. Furthermore, they come with many personalities and temperaments. Unequivocally, in the eyes of God you are LOVED. Humbly, take this time to embrace His love and know He has always got your back.

Being a mother is not an easy job. Nevertheless, we always want to make the best decisions for our children and family. We do not get a step-by-step guide for every situation. At times it is instinctive. Other times we have to wing it. But, through it all, we know if we rely on God He will make All things work together for good (Romans 8:28).

We define moms on many levels. We have birth moms, adoptive moms, surrogate moms, spiritual moms, school moms, work moms… The list of moms go on and on. Invariably, they meet us where we are. Undoubtedly, they provided the needed love, care, guidance, and compassion we all need in life. So, whether you have given birth or not, if you have poured into the life of another human being on this Earth, you are a MOM… God SMILES on YOU! Love & Blessings!

A Gift Of Discernment

When we encounter situations that are not clear or does not make sense, we need to rely on God for His help so we can discern what is really going on. Discernment is the gift God gives us to help navigate this sometimes-strange world. When we encounter situations that put a check in our spirit, or on face value, it seems innocent, but as you move forward it becomes troublesome, the Holy Spirit is probably trying to get our attention… Pay Attention!   

Recently, I had a situation to come my way that did not make sense. I was asked to do something; however, when I started gently asking questions to get clarity, there was resistance and defensiveness. The Bible tells us in all thy ways acknowledge God and He will direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-7) Undoubtedly, He will do it! 

In our last blog, we talked about being vulnerable with Christ. Jesus said we are sheep going out among wolves; yet be wise as a serpent, gentle as a dove (Matthew 10:16). How can we do that? Through His spirit in us. It allows us to discern those things that are not of Him and our God. 

Discernment is a gift God gives us so we can determine if is something of God or not. Additionally, it helps us to resolve if something is real or not, truth or lie, right or wrong. I believe God is always speaking to us. It is up to us if we are paying attention to Him or not. He will send a knowing in our spirit to help us with our decision making. Our emotions are fickle; therefore, not always reliable. Invariably, it is always wise for us to be prayerful, consulting God, asking Him for His help and He will lead, guide and direct us through the Holy Spirit… Amen. Love & Blessings!