Hello Beautiful People! Welcome and thank you for joining me here at the Where Is God Now blog. I am Gwen, your host and author of the book, Where Is God!? Blessed Are The Pure In Heart For They Shall See God. This is designed to be an interactive blog meaning I will post a blog or message and if you want to comment by expanding on the post or sharing your perspective about the post that is great! As stated on the Home Page of this blog, we will practice the Fruit of the Spirit on this blog as this is to cultivate and build our relationship with God. God is so AWESOME that as his word goes out, its impact will be different for each of us because we are at different places in our faith and on our journey. The bottom line is that God is glorified and we grow in our relationship with Him. I believe God speaks to us every day. It is up to us if we are paying attention to him.
This blog is designed to unpack the book, Where Is God!? Blessed Are The Pure In Heart For They Shall See God. Given the crisis our world is in, some posts will address what is going on with COVID-19. As President Trump has stated, this is an invisible enemy. But as I have stated in the book, God wants us to win and we have already won when we accept him! (Page 29). I pray the book and the blog will be a blessing to YOU!
I will post at least once a week, sometimes more. Please click the subscribe button to receive the notice of a posted blog. God will be with us here at the site because His word says, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I will be in the midst of them.” (Mathew 18:20). Again, I pray the book and the blog will be a blessing you.
In considering the title of the book, Where Is God!?, it is a provocative question. It is a striking question. It is a question most of us have asked, if not wondered. Jesus asked this question on the cross in the form of, “My God, my God, why hath thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). During this COVID-19 crisis in our world today, I am confident people have asked, “Where is God!?” For those of you who are following me on social media, you have seen my Where Is God!? daily postings. They are designed to uplift, comfort, AND to cause one to ponder and think. God is SPEAKING every day. Each of us gets a personalized message from Him every day. The question is are we LISTENING?
In examining the book cover, it gives the image of a frustrated individual because usually when we asked that question we are at our wit’s end; we are frustrated! The subtitle of the book is taken from Matthew 5:8, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” God never promised us a bed of roses in this life. We do not live problem free lives. That would be a mistake; a fallacy for any of us to believe. God is about character building in us. He loves us so much that He will not leave us in our mess. This is considered the mess of SELF. Self is a mess! Because self is a mess He sent Jesus to clean us up to present us faultless before Him. As I stated in the book, this life is not about us! (Page 10.) Once we realize that, our life becomes freeing and we are able to manifest the Fruit of the Spirit in our lives through Christ’s strength. It comes to us through the beautiful supernatural strength God gives us. Christ consistently shows us how it is done. Thank God! Thank you. Love & Blessings!