Our Setbacks Are God’s Setups For Something Better!

Some believe the Christian faith is boring. I believe that is a lie from Satan. We serve an adventurous, exciting God! Moreover, we serve a progressive God who is only interested in moving us ahead not setting us back.

When we walk and live our lives in the Spirit, we can SEE God. With our spiritual eyes we see Him mostly in the circumstances and situations in life. Undoubtedly, He will show His favor in your life. Yet, sometimes He will close doors that we do not understand.

When doors start closing we believe I must be on the wrong track. Understandably, we believe it must be Satan that is trying to stop me. Ironically, sometimes it is God directing our path. It is scary sometimes because we do not know what is going on. But God does. This is the importance of our intimacy with Him. Even though we do not understand it, our intimacy with Him allows us to TRUST Him. We trust Him because we know He knows what is best for us.

Setbacks are God’s comebacks for us. This is exciting because we do not know exactly what God is going to do. But when we keep our eyes on Him, we SEE Him moving. He moves the circumstances and situations in our lives for our good. This is a BEAUTIFUL thing. It is like God is saying, “I’ve got YOU!” Love & Blessings!