Our Mighty and AWESOME God!

We so often put God in a box without even realizing it. We often limit him to our human mind when He is beyond our human mind! God is MIGHTY and AWESOME! He has no rival or equal. Who would dare bet against Him?

There is a wonderful story in the Bible on how the priests of Baal bet against our God (1 King 18) These priests were false prophets who believed in their idol gods. Unfortunately, we start to believe in idol gods, like our jobs, money, children, family, homes, etc. Anything we put before our God is an idol in our lives.

Elijah was so bold and confident. He knew our God was the one and true God. The bet was to place a bull on the alter as a sacrifice and pray to your god to light a fire without doing it yourself. What a challenge, right?

Elijah was quite patient with the priest as they prayed to their god from morning to noon. When nothing happened, Elijah joked and said their god must be asleep. Now it was Elijah’s turn to prepare his alter to God. He built an alter with a trench around it, set wood on the alter with the bull on top. He then drenched and soaked the wood with water and had the water drain into the trench. He did this three times!

Now comes the prayer. Elijah prayed that God would light with fire the alter! Not only did God light the alter, He consumed the alter, bull, stones, and water with fire. God left NOTHING intact. That is how MIGHTY and AWESOME our God is! Love & Blessings!