Our First Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc.!

Join me in celebrating Where Is God Now Ministry, Inc. first year anniversary of being a 501c3, nonprofit! God has been FAITHFUL! I often say if you are faithful to God He will be faithful to YOU! As you know, this ministry is God’s ministry. We are just the vessels who are his hands, mouth, and feet on the Earth! This includes YOU, too! We thank you for all of your donations, support, and encouragement on this journey with Him.

We thank businesses and organizations like PF Harris Manufacturing and Christian Broadcasting Network for their support on many levels. We are now announcing our partnership with In Touch Ministries, the teaching ministry of the late Dr. Charles Stanley.

It amazes me to watch God orchestrate and move in Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc. Dr. Stanley was an instrumental and influential figure in my life. When I was young, I was seeking God. I was trying to figure out how to navigate life with God leading the way. Who knew that God would have us partner together to move His word forward? Undoubtedly, God knew!

Hearing Dr. Stanley repeatedly say in his teachings, “Obey God and leave the consequences to Him.” was something I believed and took to heart. I am here to say, it works! This is why I now say, “You keep your eyes on God. He will get you where you need to be!” This is TRUE! Again, if you are FAITHFUL to God He will be FAITHFUL to YOU!

It is with this partnership with In Touch Ministries, Where Is God Now Ministries is offering Pathway. It is an audio device in English or Spanish. It has Dr. Stanley’s inspirational and encouraging sermons. It also includes New and Old Testament Scripture readings. This is no expense to you. Please send me an email if you would like this device and how many. I will be taking photos when I deliver the devices to you so I may share with In Touch Ministries the impact of Pathway. Additionally, the photos will be on Where is God Now Ministries website and social media.

Jeremiah 29:11 proclaims the plans God has for our lives. He also has these plans for His ministries on the Earth, too. Where Is God Now Ministries is excited about these plans. We look forward to sharing with you the MORE God has for this ministry.

Subscribe to our website to receive our weekly encouraging and inspirational blogs in your inbox. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to the ministry, please click the link to https://whereisgodnow.org/. You can also copy and paste the link to your browser. On the right side of the page click “Subscribe” scroll down and click “Donate.” Or, mail a check to 730 River Strand, Chesapeake, Virginia 23320. Further, if you want to volunteer on any level, please let me know. We would love to have you join God’s journey with this ministry!

Thank you for your love & support…

Love & Blessings!
