Our Downfalls

The secret to our success in life is keeping our eyes on God. Although success can look different for each of us, God hold the secret to our success. We see this theme over and over again in the Bible. Once we take our eyes off God, it is a matter of time it leads to our downfalls.

King Uzziah loved the Lord. When he took his eyes off God it caused his destruction. He puffed himself up in pride. He forgot about God and thought it was all about him. It is definitely a cautionary tell for all of us.

God hates pride. This is because He know it destroys us in the long run. It is why He warns us over and over and over again to stay away from pride. Even a prideful or proud look is something God shuns (Proverbs 21:2). Undoubtedly, it gives Satan an opportunity to wreak havoc in our lives… Keep your eyes on God. Love & Blessings!