Once Again, God’s People Turn Their Backs On Him

Ezekiel is used by God to speak to His people. They have once again turned their back on God. This has been a consistent pattern and theme of the Old Testament. I believe God sent me on this journey to read the Bible once again as a way to get to know Him. When we get to know God, we become intimate with Him. We learn somewhat how He operates, what He loves, what He hates, how He blesses His people and how He disciplines His people.

Ezekiel 6 spells out once again how God is going to discipline his people for turning their backs on Him. Verse 11 say they shall fall by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence. This is so clear and repetitive throughout the Old Testament. I believe it is God’s message to His people on His discipline methods.

Fast forward to today, 2023. When we see pestilence, in the case of COVID, that affected the whole world, how can we not believe it was not God sending a message to the world? Why are we slow to acknowledge it? Why do we dismiss it? There is much idolatry that is going on in the world. Satan has successfully blinded many of us in thinking everything is alright and God does not care if we have other things before Him such as our careers, jobs, families, hobbies, and other vices. We are deceived if we think that God does not care. Just read for yourself in the Old Testament how angry God became of the idolatry the people committed against Him and how He consistently used war, famine and pestilence to discipline them. It really gives us a moment to pause in our own lives. Love & Blessings!