Old and New Testament Speak the Same

Isaiah 29:13 is a striking scripture. God was speaking. He was saying these people honor me with their lips. Yet, their hearts are far from me and their fear of me is what has been taught to them by men.

Similarly, Jesus is speaking this same ideology. In Mathew 15:8, he says these people serve me with their lips yet their hearts are far from me. Undoubtedly, one could say Jesus had the same sentiments of our Father God. Invariably, they are one.

There is this mystery of what we speak with our lips and what are hearts are revealing to God. Introspectively, when we look at this world that we live in we see professing Christians taking on the beliefs of the world and culture. Unsuspectingly, some of them are doing it without even knowing or thinking about it.

Truthfully, in our humanity we do not like everything God is asking us to do. Unquestionably, there is some tough stuff He asks us to do.  If we are constantly getting upset on what God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are asking us to do, maybe we are serving God with our lips. As a result, maybe our heart is far away from Him… Go DEEPER! Love & Blessings!