Moab’s Destruction

Moab’s destruction can be likened to our own destruction. If we put other things before our God, it will destroy us. It is the reason why God hates sin because it destroys the people He loves.

In Jeremiah 48 we are reading about the destruction of Moab. God is destroying the people because they magnify themselves against God. Imagine that! Sometimes we get so caught up in who we are and our importance, that we start to magnify ourselves. We call attention to our so-called accomplishments when in reality we could not have done any of it without our God.

We are reminded by Moab’s destruction that God can humble us and bring us down to size or call us home when we start placing people, places, and things in front of him.  After reading the 47 verses about Moab, we no longer hear of these people in the Bible. Oh, let this be a lesson for us. Love & Blessings!