Mingling with the People

Ezra leads the Israelites back to Jerusalem after being in captivity in Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar.  So, for many years the Israelites were living in a different land with different customs, and they mingled with the people.  Of course, the Babylonians did not believe in the most high God. The Israelites had to be oh so careful not to take on the customs and beliefs of another nation.

One of the things God asked the Israelites not to do was to marry into this God forsaken land. Why? It is because they worshipped idols. Repeatedly, God has warned Israel over and over and over again to not have any other God before Him. Even if you are in a foreign land, you should not have any other God before me.

This is a wonderful illustration and reminder for us as we live in this world. Although we live in the world we are not of this world. Sometimes we forget this as we go about living our lives. We think we have to take on the beliefs of the culture when culture is not always with our God. We get caught up in the passions of this world and forget about the passion we should have for our God,

In Chapter 9 of Ezra as the people are preparing to move back to Jerusalem, we see many of the Israelites disobeying God and marrying daughters of sons of this foreign land. When Ezra hears what the Israelites are doing, he rents his garment and plucks the hair off of his head and beard… Ouch! This is a symbolism of how awful sin is. We forget that sin destroys us. Ezra is astonished that the people did this because it will present problems for the people as they move back to Jerusalem with their foreign families.

I do not believe this is an indictment on mixed marriages. As we know in our society, we have mixed marriages. I do not believe God is against mixed marriages. I believe He is against people who are unequally yoked; people who are not believers of Him.

God still gives us free choice and free will. It is up to us if we decide to be obedient to him or not. However, being the sovereign God that He is, He already knows it will present problems and challenges for the believer. It does not make Him love them any less for He wishes ALL would come under His saving grace. However, because we do have free choice and will and because we do live in a fallen world, unfortunately, Satan will try to take as many people with him on his doomsday. And for those of us who decide to marry nonbelievers it is not the abundant, victorious life God has promised us. Love & Blessings!