The Bible says God created the Earth and man (Genesis 1:1-28). Christians do not believe in the Big Bang Theory or that we evolved from apes. What we do believe is that God created everything including man. After God finished creating, He called it “ very good” ( Genesis 1:31).
I believe God is proud of His creations, including humans. We take on the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). This allows us to see the beauty of nature God has given us to ENJOY! This is a part of the abundant, victorious life Jesus was born and then died to give us (John 10:10).
Recently, God took me to Antarctica! It was a trip of a lifetime! It was during Thanksgiving, so I was very thankful and awestruck with the full experience. It was like God was saying, “Look at what I can do!” Furthermore, God used one of His children in a simple still powerful way which spoke volumes. I won’t spoil it for you… It’s in one of the pictures! These pictures are my Christmas gift to YOU! ENJOY!
You can visit the Photo Gallery on the website. There, you can see the diverse lectures, classes, and labs we participated in. We also went to Argentina and other islands. Yet, this spotlights God’s majestic Antarctica… Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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Love & Blessings!