Living in the Supernatural!

The Bible is our guidebook in life. After all, it invites us to live in a supernatural life God has provided for us through Jesus Christ. Jesus died so that we may have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). As a result, when Jesus walked the Earth, most of what He talked about was in the spiritual realm and the supernatural. Furthermore, He actually performed miracles, in the supernatural, on the Earth. This reminds us that, we too, can experience the supernatural on the Earth.

The Apostle Paul spoke on the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Amazingly, this is supernatural living of manifesting these Fruit, love, joy, peace, and the rest, in our lives.  Basically, it is us submitting to the Holy Spirit, and allowing Him to do His work in our lives. It is truly a beautiful way to live. God’s spirit dwells within us (Romans 8: 8-11). We have the capacity to live a spirit filled life right here, right now, on the Earth, which is a BEAUTIFUL thing!

The disciples finally grasped this supernatural truth after Jesus’ resurrection. Paul realized it after his encounter with the Spirit on the road to Damascus (Acts 9). We have these supernatural experiences and encounters, too, with the Spirit in our lives. Embrace and enjoy the supernatural life Jesus died to give us. Love & Blessings!