Life’s Depressing Events

Life can and will be depressing at times. It happens to all of us. We all have stuff, situations, circumstances, conditions that happen to us. We do not like them when they happen. It has the capacity in some cases deplete us of all of our joy, happiness, peace, and contentment. It can leave us bewildered. This is what happened to Job. The same can and probably will happen to us, too.

I love, love, love, the Bible because it gives us so many examples of how we should handle our lives. We get instructions on what to do, what not to do, how to cast our cares on God because he careth for us. So, Job was stripped of everything except his life. After Satan got through with him, he had wished he was never born (Job 3:1-3.) I have had days and moments like this. Have you?

Job did not know Satan was behind the wretchedness that was happening in his life. Some heartaches we go through is self-inflicted, sometimes it is because of other people’s actions. But sometimes it is Satan himself on our trial trying to kill, steal, and destroy our faith. This was the case for Job. Satan told God if everything was taken from him, he would curse God (Job 1: 10-11).

I believe we can learn from Job that life can have some depressing events. It is normal for us to grieve, question, wonder, cry, and become silent, because truly sometimes it can leave us speechless. However, also recognize Satan is coming in for the kill. He used Job’s on wife to try and get Job to curse God and die (Job 2: 9). He had a profound response of shall we not receive good from God and not evil? (Job 2:10)

When life presents with depressing events, as with Job, stand on your faith. Even when you do not understand and not make sense of things, stand on your faith. This is one of many lessons we learn from Job and probably the most significant one.

Life can be depressing when things start to happen, but recognize our perspective and how we choose to take things in will determine if we will overcome the depression or if the depression will overtake us. We never like those depressing events, but we have to continue to keep our eyes focused on God to help us through the maze of depression. He will lead and guide us through as he did with numerous people in the Bible. If he did it for them, he certainly we do it for us. He will specialize for you what you need for your situation to be able to move forward… Harken unto him. Love & Blessings!