King Darius’ Decree

King Darius signed off on a decree that did not allow anyone to pray. Deviously, Daniel’s colleagues’ manipulated the king into doing this.  Throwing people into the lion’s den was the punishment for breaking the decree. Cleverly, Daniel’s opponents had been studying him.  Daniel’s praying was a three times a day! Refusing the king’s decree meant doom for Daniel to the pleasure of his jealous colleagues.

Daniel was bold and courageous. These were some of the qualities the king admired about Daniel.  Daniel hiding while praying was not an option for him.  Devotedly, he continued honoring our God through praying three times a day. Regretfully, throwing Daniel into the lion’s den was something the king did not want to do. Without question, it was upsetting to him; yet, He knew he could not break his own decree.  Clearly, this is a trapping from Satan for Daniel.

God’s plan is always bigger than the enemy. After all, losing their appetite after Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den was God’s way of rescuing Daniel. Further, believing Daniel’s God was the king’s hope for Daniel. Turning the tables on Daniel’s opponents was the king’s and God’s consequence of the evil they tried to befall on Daniel. Amazingly, the opponents and their families lost their lives to the same lions that were peaceful toward Daniel while in the lion’s den.

God sees our sacrifices unto Him. He sees and acknowledges our faithfulness. Honoring God sometimes means refusing to take on the world’s traditions and customs. It may put you in uncomfortable situations for a season. However, God will deliver you. Believing God gave Daniel a peace and calmness entering into the lions’ den as well. Supernaturally their appetite was taken away. Assuredly, most animals when they sense fear they come charging. Even so, we see Daniel and the lions lived peacefully amongst each other that night. This is what our God can do for us too. Giving us a peace and calmness when our enemies come against us is a hallmark from our God. Love & Blessings!