Keep It Set: The Mind Of The Spirit

The mind of the flesh is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit. Take the time to meditate on that. Jesus came on the Earth with a Spiritual message. It is why many, then and today, have such a difficult time understanding what He was saying. When we use the mind of the flesh a lot of what He said does not make sense.

The flesh always wants to reason and figure everything out. The things of God sometimes does not make sense. Just read all of the miracles in the Bible. We can’t figure it out. Some of it does not make sense to our minds. That is why He is God. Moreover, He is the MOST High God. The other cultures and kingdoms during that day had their gods. However, they were idol gods. Their gods can not out do our God. There is no rival or equal to Him (Nahum 1:2-15, Isaiah 40:12-31, 46:5, Psalm 86: 8-10))

When Jesus left the Earth He said it would be best for us if He left us. This was because He was leaving the Holy Spirit (John 16:7). The Holy Spirit leads us into ALL truth (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit gives us promptings and knowings in our inner man, our spirit. There is an abundant, victorious life and peace when we set our minds on the Spirit (Romans 8:6). Love & Blessings!