Journal Entry July 5 – July 11

The Weapon of Thankfulness! | The Prophetic Training

Sunday, July 5. Dear God thank you for this day. I Thank you for the wonderful deal you provided for me of the two orchids… $5 a piece! It made my heart so happy to find such a wonderful deal. I can’t wait for them to bloom once again. My spirits were a little low and it was just what I needed to lift my spirits. I thank you for that.

Monday, July 6. I had to go and get my bike tire fixed today. I went to two stores near the beach to get it fixed. I came home and put the tire back on the bike and rode it on the road to test it out. I was happy with what I had done. Later that evening, my neighbor, his wife, and I met in passing while riding our bikes in the neighborhood. My neighbor saw my chain on my bike was not indeed tight enough and offered to fix it for me at his house. I followed him and his wife to their home which is a block away from my house for him to make the adjustment to the chain and my seat! The seat got me where I wanted to go on the bike so I did not worry myself with that but WOW! what a difference! Thank you God for my neighbor. My bike rides more smoothly. Thank you Jesus!

Tuesday, July 7. I just discovered the most delicious fruit drink that I am going to go and get more. All of the fruits are pureed to make this wonderful substance. Normally I do not like to waste my calories on a drink, but this was so refreshingly GOOD that the 220 calories can easily be substituted for a desert and I will not feel like I have been cheated. It is nutritiously GOOD–YUM! Work was very productive today, too. we started the process of researching and discussing how we would redo our standards of operations with COVID-19. Thank you God.

Wednesday, July 8. My God moment today was being able to navigate a website to get a project done. I do not consider myself tech savvy so any accomplishment I have on ANY computer, phone, desktop, soft ware, etc., I thank God for His help!

Thursday, July 9. I had a lot on my plate today at work. I asked God to help me with one particular project that was very challenging…I completed the third part of that project and was able to work on the two additional ongoing projects. That relieved some of my stress and I thanked God for that!

Friday, July 10. Today was yard day! I love working in the yard because I it brings me such a sense of accomplishment to complete. Of course I recognize without God’s help I would not be able to do any of it. I thank God for the ability to take care of this beautiful home He has given me.

Saturday, July 11. It was a full day today. I had many errands to run in the hot heat… I SURVIVED THANK GOD! I left the house in one piece and returned in on piece. That is a blessing and Lord I thank you. Having uneventful days is a blessing. Recognizing God’s PEACE in your life is a blessing because it is a free gift he gives us that we should cherish each and every time it is present in our lives.