Journal Entry July 19 – July 25

A Spirit of Thankfulness — First Baptist Covington

Sunday, July 19. Today, I received great news on someone who is recovering beautifully. When illness befalls us or someone we love and are close to, it reminds us how fragile our lives are. Often times we take things as breathing, walking, talking, and I could go on and on, as an automatic. But is is not an automatic. Our maker, God, helps us out each and every day with these skills. We seem to cherish them more when we lose these skills. It is a reminder of how worthy our God is. It should also serve as a reminder of how we need to trust God more and more each day. If He can provide these basic skills to us on a daily basis, imagine the other things he can provide for us if we would just allow him to mold and shape us in the purpose He has designed us for… Amen.

Monday, July 20. Today, I was fortunate to donate blood. Anything I can do to help my fellow man I want to in wisdom. As i was being prepped to have my blood, the young man who was doing it, bared his fruit as a believer; hence, “You will know them by their fruit. ” Matthew 7:16. I also was blessed with a spiritual revelation. Because there is nothing new under the sun, although Satan’s fall from heaven happened long ago, it continues to happen today. The example was Satan’s fall, but today, man continues to fall when he does not accept Christ. Satan knows he is defeated and he wants to take many with him into eternal damnation. So the fall never ended it is still taking place and will continue to take place until the end of this world. Conversely, God continues to call man to Himself, through Christ Jesus. He will continue have us, as his ambassadors, to disciple as many into the kingdom that we can. What an honor and a privilege!

Tuesday, July 21. Another day in paradise! A productive day of me purging a lot of paperwork. I made quite a dent and I thank the Lord for that. I cannot tell you how many times I have said I need to do it and did not get around to it. What has been helpful is I am on vacation and the upstairs AC unit is not working. This is keeping me downstairs much longer all day giving me the opportunity to start this much needed project… All things work together for GOOD!

Wednesday, July 22. We have been in a heat wave for a good 3-4 days. The AC unit for upstairs has been Saturday, most of the heat wave. I have had to sleep on the sofa since that time in my family room. God has kept me and looked out for me because upstairs it is in the upper 80s. I go and take my shower because I do have ceiling fans, which is a blessing. Otherwise, I could not be able to do that. The other blessing is the downstairs unit is WORKING! It could have been that the house was designed with only one unit OR both units were out at the same time. So, I thanked God for the working AC unit downstairs and that I could stay in my home and still be productive… God is GOOD! Thank you, Lord!

Thursday, July 23. RELIEF! The AC contractor came this afternoon! He knew exactly what the problem was when I told him what was going on, He had the part in his truck and replaced it. My upstairs is now cooling off… Praise God! After the contractor left, I saw it was an overcast day outside. As I mentioned earlier, we have been in a heatwave. When I saw the overcast outside, I thought, Lord, this is a good time for me to do some yard work. I got outside and edge, trim (a new skill I have learned!), mow, and blow the lawn. Well, as soon as I finished, the sun came back out! Praise God I was able to do all of that underneath the clouds where is was cooler for me to do so. Later, the rain came, but I got my outside chores done… Bless God! When I came in I was able to go upstairs and get into the whirlpool in a cool comfortable bathroom… God is Good! He works situations for our Good!

Friday, July 24. COVID has discombobulated all schedules. It seems it takes much longer to make appointments, namely doctor’s appointment. During the beginning of the pandemic when everything shut down, doctor’s offices were shut down, too. As they slowly opened back up they have new guidelines to open offices, which is great, to keep everyone safe. I called my doctor’s office on Monday to make an appointment. Today is Friday and I still had not heard from them. They specifically said in the message when you call to make an appointment to please not call them more than once. Otherwise it would just prolong them returning your call. Well, today I had a decision to make. Do I call the doctor’s office back and risk the chance of my return call to be prolonged? Do I wait until next week to see if they call me eventually? Do I go up to the doctor’s office as a walk in and see if they will allow me to make the appointment. I chose the later. After prayerfully weighing my choices out with God, He led me to this peaceful choice. When I arrived at the doctor’s office I did not mentioned I had called the office on Monday and no one returned my call. I remained calm and told them why I was there. The receptionist took my information. Five minutes later I am sitting talking with a scheduler and three minutes later I am out the door. PEACE is a gift from God! When your first attempts do not pan out, remain peaceful and God will show you another way… Thank you God for being my PEACE!

Saturday, July 25. This morning I woke up praising God in my heart and spirit! His sweet spirit was upon me. I felt so encouraged. Well, Satan decided he was going to test my spirit. When I went to start making breakfast and pulling everything out of the pantry, the powdered hot chocolate dropped out of my arms onto the floor. Needless to say, it made a big dark mess! I didn’t panic. I calmly placed the other items in my arms on the cabinet and got the broom and long handled dust pan out and started sweeping. Well, because it was fine powder it did not come easily up. I knew I would have to get the residue up with a cleaner. After sweeping up as much as I could, I started focusing on fixing breakfast and knew I would have to come back to this task later. When I returned to clean the chocolate powder off the floor, it took some time. Eventually I had to get down low to the floor to wipe the baseboards and corner cracks down as I wanted to make sure I got up every speck of the chocolate powder. The blessing is Satan did not shake me or frustrated me. When the PEACE of God is upon you, you are able to walk in that PEACE no matter what comes your way. PEACE is a gift from God! Could it be upon waking this morning, God wanted to bath me in His spirit as I started my day. I am sure He knew I was going to drop the hot chocolate powder. However, God covered me with His spirit as I started my day because He felt I would need the extra protection as so much has been going on… Lord, once again, I thank you for your BEAUTIFUL Peace!