Jesus, My Lord!

Happy Easter… Jesus Is Risen! We know Him as a Savior because of this fact. He is our covering before God. When God looks at us He sees ALL of what His Son died and did for us. It boggles the mind when you think about it.

A step beyond Jesus being our Savior, He is our Lord. With Jesus as our Savior, we accept His free gift of salvation. With Jesus as our Lord, we have to humble ourselves before Him. We have to humble ourselves to be more like Him. It is a supernatural exchange that takes place because you are allowing Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, to do His work in and through YOU!

Let us not gloss over everything that Jesus did for us. Some people see it as I am not going to hell when I die. However, it is profoundly more than that. It is transforming our hearts, minds and souls allowing Him in as Lord of our lives. That means He is the boss over my life and not me. Amen. Love & Blessings!