Jeremiah’s Prayer

This journey of reading the Bible cover to cover, has been so revealing. It has been a blessing in many ways. Time and time again I have seen how God’s people have turned their backs on Him. Time and time again I have seen how God has restored them. What have been striking are the many times God sent war, pestilence, famine and in Jeremiah I am reading how God is going to send evil their way.

Jeremiah’s prayer in Chapter 32 so eloquently describes how loving and kind God is which we all like to hear. Yes, He is a forgiving God. However, there are lessons to learn in our disobedience. When we turn our backs on God there are evil consequences. I grew up thinking anything bad happening was because of Satan. That thinking came from my ignorance and immaturity.

Now that I am eating and seeking the meat of God’s word, I so clearly see everything evil in the world does not come from Satan. Some of it comes from our own disobedience. We suffer from what we have done to ourselves. Many times we want to blame others, but it is us and our disobedience to God. Because our disobedience or sin destroys us little by little, God will continue to correct us until we learn the lessons He wants us to learn. Love & Blessings!